Traditional Ketubahs incorporate the following elements


Award winning fine artist, Shell Rummel, has designed an extraordinary collection of beautiful Ketubah designs that have a timeless appeal. Inspired symbolic imagery, textural lines and gorgeous color palettes are woven together in a way that is modern and fresh. Each design is artistically represented with symbolic concepts of love, commitment and acceptance in a beautiful and inspirational way. Shell's artwork is the perfect companion to your most important wedding vows which will become the centerpiece of your personal fine art collection.

Vow Text

Whether traditional wedding vows or modern day sentiment, across all cultures it is a beautiful custom to honor the words which you will say to each other on your wedding day. Shell's sensitive and poetic texts poetically convey traditional concepts of love and commitment. Each original, unique and beautiful text that we offer is relevant to all couples in love and an integral part of any wedding certificate.

Poetic Phrase

Each of Shell's beautiful ketubah designs incorporates a poetic phrase, intentionally paired to best complement the artwork. Some phrases are original poetry, written by Shell, and some are traditional, biblical phrases.

Signature Lines

To validate the Ketubah, traditional Jewish weddings call upon witnesses to sign the ketubah before the ceremony. There are often signature lines for the Bride and Groom as well as the Officiating Rabbi or Clergy member. Of course, there are all sorts of variations on who is honored through signature. Traditional Amish weddings honor all of the wedding guests by having them sign either a separate sheet of paper or the back of the formal wedding certificate. 


In most Jewish Wedding ceremonies, the ketubah is prominently displayed during the wedding ceremony as it is common for the Rabbi or Officiating Clergy to read the vow text words aloud during the ceremony. Afterwards, the ketubah is placed on display at the reception for all guests to see, read and admire. After wedding day, most couples professionally frame their wedding certificate and hang it in their home; not only a work of art but a beautiful daily reminder of their love and commitment to each other.